The current economic environment, exacerbated by the ongoing Covid crisis, has placed many businesses of all sizes, including not-for-profits and charities, in precarious, if not seemingly hopeless op...Not-for-Profits and Charities – Facing Reality: Is it Time to Wind Down?
Not for Profit Governance Fundamentals: Effective Orientation of New Volunteers
NFP (not-for-profits, charities and professional regulators) Board models vary in size and function, and depending on the terms of reference or objects, have varying levels of responsibility to serve ...Not for Profit Governance Fundamentals: Effective Orientation of New Volunteers -
Pink Larkin Expands Services to Charities, Not for Profits and Professional Regulators
Not for Profits – Legal Services and TrainingCharities, Not for Profits and professional regulators (NFPs) require competent, ethical and comprehensive legal advice to help guide you through the intri...Pink Larkin Expands Services to Charities, Not for Profits and Professional Regulators -
Building Respectful Workplaces
If you want to transform your organization’s culture to one that is healthy and respectful, you have to be proactive. You need to identify the things that the people in your organization value in...Building Respectful Workplaces -
Good Governance in the Non Profit World – Good Intentions Are Not Enough
Picture this: you are asked to sit on the Board of a non-profit whose work you have supported for many years. They do good work in the community and you know the other board members are comm...Good Governance in the Non Profit World – Good Intentions Are Not Enough