Pink Larkin Warmly Congratulates Linda Keddy on her Retirement!

It is hard to believe that today marks Linda Keddy’s last day at Pink Larkin. Linda is the firm’s longest-serving employee. She has been the firm’s Librarian and Director of Research for over 31 years, and also worked closely with the firm’s founding partners for another 9 years at our predecessor firms, Kitz Matheson and Patterson Kitz. Pink Larkin is profoundly grateful for her commitment to the firm, and honoured that she chose to spend her career working with us.

Linda’s excellent research and organizational skills have been truly invaluable to us all over the decades. She has made sure Pink Larkin’s lawyers always had the resources they needed to argue their cases, and has graciously taught new generations of lawyers how to conduct legal research. Her seemingly-magical ability to find that crucial but elusive piece of legislation from the 1800s will be irreplaceable!

Ron Pink, Q.C. reflected on the contributions that Linda has made to the firm throughout her career:

“Linda Keddy has been the indisputable ‘rock’ of our law firm for about 40 years (but who is counting?). She has made an indelible contribution to the ability of the lawyers in this firm to practice. Her fingerprints are all over the successes of this firm.

She has trained countless lawyers in the real skills of research which will be a lifelong benefit to them. She has created much “law” through her research skills and her keen eye for the issues. She has earned her retirement but her influence will continue for many years to come.”

Ray Larkin, Q.C. also spoke to his forty years of working closely with Linda:

“I can’t think of a case I worked on at Kitz Matheson, Patterson Kitz or Pink Larkin over the past 40 years or so without Linda Keddy’s support. More than an insightful researcher, she has always been someone to discuss and think through the research with. I have never been disappointed. Of course it also helps that she is a lot of fun, not a bad softball pitcher and the quiet voice of moderation when differences of opinion over the state of Pink Larkin arose from time to time. Linda can never be replaced.”

Kim Turner, Q.C., warmly recollected what Linda’s friendship, wisdom, and skills have meant to her over the course of their thirty-five year working relationship:

“When I started practice at Kitz Matheson, Linda and I would regularly go out to lunch (always the Lower Deck), where she would mentor me in the ways of law firms, legal practice and life.  She has continued in that role throughout my 35 years of practicing.  The fact she can turn last-minute research requests around in record time is an added and invaluable bonus!  I thank her for all she has done to make us separately and collectively successful.  We will miss both her personal and professional support as she starts her well-deserved retirement.”

Gordon Forsyth, Q.C., who also worked with Linda for decades, recounted one of his typical exchanges with Linda:

Me: “Linda, can you do some research for me on this issue….?”

Linda: “When do you need it?”

Me: “Tomorrow….?”

Linda: “Impossible. I have 10 other requests to do today…. I’ll see what I can do.”

Gordon continued, “By the end of the day, Linda delivered the spot-on research. Every time. For over 30 years. Linda Keddy has been an integral part of our firm and whatever success we have achieved. She will be sorely missed.”

Linda’s sense of humour, loyalty, and friendship will be deeply missed by everyone who has had the pleasure to work with her. We wish her a joyful, relaxing, well-deserved retirement. May it be full of golf games on sunny days, quality time with friends and family, and all the other joys that life has to offer.